Elcorp Technology Sdn Bhd (ETSB) is a technology solutions company providing solutions to engineering problems in the infrastructure industry such as for road and pavement construction, innovations in road technology, cost control and savings, and training for public works and private sector road personnel. The scope of works included ICE (Independent Consulting Engineer), project management, value engineering, problem solving, and R & D. Among the major works undertaken by ETSB include those for PETRONAS, JKR, LLM, GAMUDA, MARA and others.

In recent years, due to the massive potential in the global Halal Business, ETSB has moved aggressively to provide Certification programs and capacity building in the halal sector focusing on Halal Awareness in Business, Construction, and Hospitality. A major niche of the Halal Business that has been carved out, is the Muslim Friendly services, MyRatingTM that caters for a wide scope, which is provided exclusive via www.myhalalrating.com.

ETSB collaborates with HDC (Halal Industry Development Corporation), Tabung Haji, Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), International Islamic University ( UIAM), and University Putra Malaysia (UPM) in the certification programs. Our team of halal subject matter experts and trainers provide benchmark of training excellence and actively promote the core values of best practices in organizational performance. ETSB covers a wide range of training topics in the Halal sector wherein the courses are developed to address the specific needs of the client.

With the globalization of business and easing of trade within the ASEAN and TPPA zones, ETSB plans to be a major player by exporting its services especially in the halal sector.  All the countries mentioned in the above zone, have need for halal services either to its population, or to tourists and visitors. We have international affiliates and look forward to associate with other halal players on the local and international scene . Among the affiliates we work with are Islamic Development Bank (IDB), OIC, Halal Hub Organizations, Halal Training Centers and Academy of universities focusing on this subject. In moving forward, ETSB will make sure client needs and expectations are met at the highest levels.