Halal Courses

Halal Courses summary


Halal courses and Muslim Friendly MyRatingTM programs are under Roshen Resources Sdn. Bhd. , website www.myhalalrating.com .

Summary of the halal and MyRatingTM programs are:

Muslim Friendly Tourism Training

  • The objective is to identify the Halal tourism standards and requirements of both domestic  and International Travelers. From the training the relevant industries able to map the Halal tourism along the tourism supply chains covering transportation, lodging, attraction, food, facilities and infrastructure related to tourism industry in Malaysia. To identify mismatch with the aim to recommend elements and the obstacles faced by industry players in the development of Halal tourism in Malaysia.
  • Certification by INHART

Halal Awareness in Logistics.

  • The program aims to identify the awareness of the importance of the companies involved in the halal logistics operations, and in which sector  the clients require more in-depth guide to the halal operation  of logistic.
  • Certified by UPM

Halal Green Islamic Cleaning.

  • The program will expose participant with policy, works, assignments and Standard Operating Procedure that will be implement in any elements that will effect syariah compliance such as Samak  and Sertu. This program also emphasis on procedure for identifying workplace hazard and reducing accident in workplace through SOP for green Islamic cleaning works.
  • Certification by UPM/INHART

Certified Halal Logistics.

  • The course objective to ensure Establishing on Halal Logistics expertise and effectively in industry .  Our clients able to increase skilled personnel in the Logistics Sector especially in Halal specification.
  • Certification by UPM.

Certified Halal Assurance System.

  • Is  an approach which focuses on enhancing or improving the processes that is used to create halal products with the objective of minimizing and eliminating non- conformances in halal requirement.
  • Certification by UPM/INHART

Certified Internal Halal Auditor Workshop.

  • Internal Halal Auditing is a structured, systematic, and comprehensive training program specifically designed for halal industry players in managing the effectiveness of halal control in the organization. The Internal Halal Auditing activities functions as an internal mechanism in halal monitoring, controlling, improving and preventing any non-compliance in producing halal products. Comprehensively cover the halal audit program from planning to report writing.
  • Certification by UPM

Certified Sharia Compliant Contractors (Halal Contractors)

  • Certification in progress.

Certified Halal Facility Management Training.

  • Certification in progress.

Halal Hospitality Hotel Training.

  • Certification in progress